Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bucket Fillers

Whew! Things have been so crazy at my schools I've hardly had time to stop! This month my classroom lessons are about kindness. I'm using the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.

Image result for have you filled a bucket today

I love this book! I use it will ALL of my kids, K-6. The book is a little young for 5th-6th grade, but the lessons is good for them. It gives a great example of filling up another person's invisible bucket with good thoughts and good feelings about themselves, and that empty buckets leave us sad and lonely. People who dip into buckets also feel sad, but can't fill their own buckets by dipping into another's. I'll try to do a post soon on the activities I use with this book in my lessons!

What books/activities do you like for teaching kindness?

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