Thursday, September 8, 2016

A New Year

Our school is off to a great start this year! Our students returned this past Tuesday and we are having a great first week.
Image result for new school year
I have been busy getting ready for the year while allowing for the students I check in with to get settled into their new rooms and new routines! This year I am planning on doing five lessons. I will miss part of the year due to maternity leave. I'm excited for our new little one! But I'm also excited for a new year with my students.
I will begin my lessons starting next week in hopes of getting through my introductory lessons before my maternity leave starts in late October. My teachers were so great about signing up for a time this year! I'll do a post soon on what I did differently this year that seemed to work better for my staff. 

For this year, I plan to do the following for my lesson topics:

  1. Intro to the Counselor
  2. Bucket Filling (with a discussion about bullying)
  3. Careers and Money
  4. Motivation and Responsibility
  5. Conflict Resolution
Be on the lookout for posts on details for each of these lessons in the months I do them! I also plan to do my tattling lesson from last year for my kindergartners. This one was a big hit with the kids and the teachers.

I've uploaded several new resources to my TPT store for this coming year, and plan to add a few more. If you're interested in any of these topics, most of my new resources are available now.

What big plans do you have for this year? What lesson topics do you plan to use and what resources do you love for those topics? Share the wealth!

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