Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Conflict Resolution for Older Elementary

For my older babies, I do a lesson on actual conflict resolution instead of teasing. For this, I use a Powerpoint that you can find here in my TPT store.
First, we talk about conflict and how it is a part of life. Conflict isn't bad until it leads to an argument or a fight. We want to keep if from getting to that point (hence a lesson)!

Then we talk about three styles of conflict. Each style has an animal that makes it easy for the kids to remember. My students love this part and are stopping me in the halls to tell me they aren't being sharks! 
The we watch The Zax, a short video of the story by Dr. Seuss. It is a wonderful adaptation and uses the original images from the story. They we talk about the style of the Zax and about their conflict and how they could've done better at resolving their conflict.

This is where the powerpoint in my TPT store ends. The reason for this is that I use a wonderful resource already on TPT in another store.

I do not want to take away from this person, so I have taken out the discussion and images of the SODAS model from the Powerpoint in my TPT store. However, my kids love this because they love soda! It really helps them remember the steps!
Click HERE to get this awesome resource for FREE!

In my lesson, I add images from this resource and we go through a couple of scenarios together using this model. The resource includes a worksheet where you can have the students work in groups if you'd prefer that. I whited out my detailed part of the activity for this post, but I added all the steps in a text box over the image I took from the resource mentioned above. I have each section staged to appear after we have talked about it as a group. This is a great way for them to see the process laid out!
How do you teach conflict resolution? What fun activities do you do with your students? What makes it click for them?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

TPT Sitewide sale!

Hello, all! TPT is having a sitewide sale, and I have decided to participate! My entire store is 20% off Jan. 20th & 21st, and you'll get an addition percentage off using the code below. Let's start off our new year strong to finish out the school year strong!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Simon's Hook

Wow I have been busy since returning to school! Attendance monitoring is a part of my job, and December attendance threw me through a loop this month. I'm finally starting to rise out of the ocean of phone calls and paperwork I do to monitor attendance. While I've been wading through attendance, I have been teaching lessons. This month my lessons are about conflict resolution. For my little ones (K-3), I am focusing on teasing. 

I use two videos based on the book Simon's Hook by Karen Gedig Burnett. The book and the lesson are very good, but the book has some parts that are very busy and can be hard for little ones to grasp. The author helped make these videos, so they are nearly verbatim from the book. You can find the links to the videos at the end of this post.

I start out my lesson by reviewing what we have already talked about this year. Then I explain that we are watching a video based on this book. I always take the book because sometimes technology fails! I tell them they are going to meet Simon, and Simon has a problem: he is being teased at school. We talk about what teasing means to make sure they understand. I then tell him he is going to talk to Grandma Rose and that she will help him solve this problem. Then we watch the first video.
After the first video, I reiterate that when people tease, they want to see someone get upset; they want to see someone get sad or mad and react that way. I tell them to pay close attention as Grandma Rose teaches Simon five ways to handle teasing. Then we watch the second part. After it finishes we review the five strategies. 
To finish our time, I give them each a fish to color, and for the older ones, I ask them to write their favorite strategy in their fish, which one they plan to use next time they get teased.

You can download the fish I use for my lesson for FREE in my TPT store!

Video #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB6BnCYcG-4

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas break! I know I did and I enjoyed a few weeks to rest up for th rest of the year. We jump right back into school, so I am hitting the ground running today.

What plans do you have for the new year/last half of the school year? I am getting my conflict resolution lessons going today!