Friday, September 9, 2016

Lesson Sign-Ups

As I mentioned in this post, my teachers did so well this year at signing up for a time for me to visit their rooms this year. Only a handful didn't on their own. This year the process was much smoother for my teachers and I want to share how it worked at my school.

Last year, I used for signing up.
I had a supervisor who recommended this when I was in internship. While I like this site, my school really needs a sign up for a day of the week and time, not a specific day of the month. I could not figure out a way for this on, so we had much confusion last year on when their lessons actually were even though I supply them a calendar specifically for lessons.

This year in an effort to eliminate this confusion, I used a simple Google Sheet from Google Drive. I had several time slots over every day of the week to give teachers several options. This really seem to like this better. This was originally a template I found through Google, found here. I just changed it to suit my needs and made it in our school colors. Having made this now, I bet I could have made this on my own without the need for a template. After they all had a time, I just put two or three, up to four, a day through the month. With only two time slots for each time each day, it was very easy to spread it out over a month. 

(Click to make image bigger!)

A few of my teachers were just amazed that they could sign up and it would immediately be there for everyone to see (so no one could take their time). My school is rather large, so this seems to be the simplest way to have them all pick a time for my visits. While this worked well for my school, but every school is different! What do you do to have teachers sign up for a time for classroom lessons? What do your teachers prefer? 

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