Monday, October 19, 2015

Lesson Plan Organization

I am split between two schools. That means I have to be on top of being organized! It's hard to know what I'll need day to day sometimes, but I use several binders for different things for school. Two go with me everyday and two live at school. More on that later, but my binders are color coded. I know that my green binder has lesson plans!
Today I will focus on how I keep my lessons and lesson plans organized. My secret? A binder with sheet protectors! I keep this notebook in my backpack and carry it with me each day to whichever school I'm at, so I always have it. I always have at least one hard copy of anything I need to make copies of. I put extra copies in the front flap. You can also stick books in here if you use those and have a hard time remembering to take them. I usually just put my books I use in my lessons on top of this binder so I remember to take it with me, but whatever works for you!

I have my lesson plans right in the front so I can easily look them over before preparing to do a lesson and see what materials I need. After these, I have a list of tabs that tell me where each lesson can be found. The tabs are a 12 pack from Walmart, but you could use any you have on hand. and make your own table of contents of sorts.

Each tab is assigned a different lesson. Right now I only have a few created. Under each tab I put the documents I need for activities or anything else I may need under that tab in a sheet protector. This keeps them in good shape and doesn't require holes in the document itself. 

I have a colorful cover cover on the front of my binder. You can download a FREE editable file from my TPT store if you're interested in the blue chevron!

How do you keep your lessons organized? I'd LOVE to hear what works for others!

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