Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Getting my own bucket filled

I've mentioned that this month is bucket filling lesson month at my schools. I really love this lesson, and the kids at my schools have taken to it so well! A few are stopping me in the hallway to tell me they are filling buckets. I start my lessons each month with kindergarten, so I'm starting to get into my older babies (4-6). These kids get to fill out cards for friends. I encourage them to fill out a card for someone who isn't their best friend, or for someone they think may not be getting their bucket filled often. They love doing this! I have to cut each class off. Almost all of them want to keep filling out a card! I make sure to tell them they don't need a special card to do this and that they can do it anytime they want. Several students choose to fill their teachers' buckets, and a few even filled my bucket!

It truly did fill my bucket to get these from my students. I hope they retain this skill and continue to do it after this month's lessons are over.

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