Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veteran's Day

I just want to brag on one of my schools. My larger school put on a Veteran's Day celebration yesterday and our kids did fantastic! The kids invited community veterans and did a little program for them. We had a great turnout from the veterans. There was a skit and a couple of poem readings, the school chorus sang. There was a moment of silence in honor of the passing of the county's oldest vet, who passed away on Saturday, and they were all respectfully silent! It was at the very end that I was the most proud of them. The program finished by all the kids singing "God Bless the USA," and all 800 of them were singing and doing the motions our awesome music teacher taught them. There is a point where they were supposed to stop singing. I cannot express to you how amazing it is to hear 800 kids stop in unison. Many of our teachers and several veterans were crying by the end of the song. They did great and were so well behaved, and I'm so proud of them! 

After the program, the veterans were treated to hamburgers or hot dogs from the cafeteria and an American flag cake. The veterans were very appreciative of the whole thing. I love this idea one of our third grade teachers came up with! It teaches our students to honor our veterans as they deserve and shows our veterans how much they are appreciated. 

Did your school or any classes at your school(s) do anything special for Veteran's Day? I hope you have a wonderful Veteran's Day!

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