Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Anxious babies

It's a sad fact in our world today that many of our kids are anxious. With high stakes testing and all the pressures they face socially and at home, kids are more anxious than they may have ever been. I have a good handful at each school that need to be seen for this. I've been working on building an arsenal for helping them with their anxiety. I've already done a post about worries that has some useful things. I wanted to share some new ideas I plan to try with a particularly anxious child:

  1. I found these cards in my search and thought they would be a good resource for the kids themselves to have and be a good conversation starter for a session. I plan to make a book of sorts by binding them with a binder ring after lamination. 
    There are three pages with idea and a blank page for you to write in your own. You can pick out which ones fit your kids and your school and discard the rest. That's what I did!
  2. This blog post is fantastic for visualizing the biggest worries! I love the idea of attaching a string to the worry based on how big it is.  Part 2 is also a good idea!
What are your go to anxiety techniques? I'd love to build my arsenal more!

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