Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Counseling Newsletter

I mentioned in this post how I use Google Forms to survey the teachers to tell me how effective my lessons are. I take percentages from these to see how many teachers saw improvements or differences in their students. I am taking these and putting them into a newsletter I will send to my principals next week.

On my newsletter, I give data from the needs assessment I send out when we come in for pre-planning and what the teacher surveys said about my lessons. Since school started for me in September, I have done two lessons K-6 at both my schools. I have also done a tattling lesson for kindergarten.


Above are examples of what my letters look like. I've blocked out my data findings as well as my school system logo for privacy and security reasons. My lessons and visits section is still pending since there is still about a week left to see students (how is it that Christmas break sneaked up so fast?!).

For these letters, you could do anything is these boxes! I chose to do the data results from surveys, but you could include tips and tricks, cool things you learned at a conference, cool programs you are wanting to start, etc. I also send these letters jsut to my administrators, but I think making one for teachers would also be a great idea!


These letters were made using Microsoft Publisher. For your convenience, I have uploaded this file up to TPT. This item is now FREE! You can get a blank version of this form that already has all of these boxes and places for pictures.  You will need to have Publisher (it is a .pub file) and will need to know basic skills such as changing the pictures and re-sizing boxes as you need. But all the finding and placing is already done for you! See below for a look at what these blank ones look like: 

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